Hukerenui School Bus Routes

Students who attend Hukerenui School and reside within our Transport Eligibility Zone (TEZ) will be eligible to travel on a Ministry funded school bus service.  See map below for eligibility.  We have 3 bus routes which service Riponui, Towai & Tapuhi areas.  

Students are eligible to travel on their own buses only, any requests to use other buses for personal reasons will be turned down. 

Students who reside outside of our TEZ and choose to attend Hukerenui School must provide their own transport.  However, there is a Puhipuhi bus available which is currently funded by the Hukerenui School Board of Trustees.  This is reviewed each year.

To access the current bus routes and times, please go to the Easybus website

School transport in our district is managed by the Whangarei North Transport Network Group. The group provides school transport assistance for students attending Kamo High, Hikurangi, Hukerenui, Matarau, Te Horo, Kamo Int & Whananaki Schools. 


Easybus manages the administration around designing routes, managing the contract with the bus operator (Ritchies), liasing with the Ministry and providing information to schools and parents.

Hukerenui School does not manage the buses, drivers, or bus routes.  We manage the afterschool arrangements and ask that you keep changes to a minimum.  

Hukerenui School aims to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students:

Managing bus/pickup routines and continual changes can be time consuming for office staff.  We ask parents of the following:

Eligibility for School Transport

If your family lives within the blue line on this map you are within the Hukerenui School Transport Entitlement Zone and are eligible for the school bus.  (An eligible student means the student's home must be more than 3.2 kilometers from their nearest appropriate school).

Transport Entitlement Zone (TEZ).pdf
School Bus Expectations 2024.pdf
School Bus Safety - behaviours and responsibilities v2.pdf
Eligibility for School Transport Assistance (non-special education) v....pdf
Special Education School Transport Assistance v2 (SESTA).pdf
Ministry-funded school bus service v2.pdf